Not many recreations are as enjoyable as motorcycle riding in California, but to keep it fun, you have to keep it safe. California hasn’t been doing that well. The California Motorcyclist Safety Program reports that motorcycle-related fatalities rose 175 percent from 1998 to 2008; in 2008, 560 fatal motorcycle accidents were reported in California. While motorcyclists are obviously exposed to danger in ways that other drivers are not, these tips should help motorcyclists stay as safe as possible:
1. Wear a helmet; in California, it’s the law. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that helmeted motorcyclists are 37 percent less likely to be killed riding a motorcycle than unhelmeted riders. And minus a helmet, your chances of brain and spinal injuries jump dramatically. There’s also a sound legal reason for wearing a helmet. If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident without wearing a helmet, and you file a claim against another driver, that driver’s attorney will argue that you are partly responsible for your injury. Always consult a good personal injury lawyer if you are injured in an accident.
2. Know your surroundings. Be on guard for road debris, ice patches, oil patches, and negligent drivers. Limit distractions; leave your mp3 player in your pocket and don’t answer the phone. If you ride a motorcycle, you probably already know to maintain extra distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.
3. Be ready. When pulling up to a stop light or sign, position your hands over the break handles. Ride near the shoulder, too; if something happens you can swing off the road instead of into a vehicle.
4. Take a refresher course. Even good riders develop bad habits. The Motorcyclist Safety Foundation, for example, offers both beginners and advanced motorcycling classes.
5. If you’re injured by another motorist, speak to an experienced California personal injury attorney as quickly as possible. In any crash, protecting your health and your legal rights must be your top priority. If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motorcycle accident, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you win damages to cover your medical costs, lost wages, and more. In the San Diego area, contact personal injury attorney Gary Sernaker at (858) 509-0188, or email him at to discuss your rights and options under California law.
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